
CyberCampuscz is a Czech space that is here to strengthen the resilience of our society and thereby protect democratic values, economic well-being, and the quality of our lives. You can be part of it.

Strategic position in the VUCA world

CyberCampuscz is a symbol of the Czech Republic’s self-confident approach to building a resilient digital society. It is a geographical area in Brno that gathers key subjects, expertise, activities, and infrastructure all in one place.

Digital resilience as a mission

Problems of cyberspace are problems of the community. They have a critical impact on society, democracy, economy, and on the lives of each of us. Our present and future require the ability to face all that threatens the previously mentioned.

Be a part of campus

CyberCampuscz is a space for organizations and communities that face the challenges of the future and actively participate in making our society safe and resilient.

A vibrant city for serious plans

CyberCampuscz is part of Brno. A city of universities, students, justice, culture, IT, research, innovation, and cyber security.